Market Analysis

Valley Global is focusing on communities that are in need as well as part of the team’s local communities where they have contacts and support. As the organization gains funding, and resources, additional communities all over the globe that require education on sustainability or are in the need of relief services will be reviewed and voted on for engagement.

The population targeted for education will be school-aged children in primary or secondary schools. College or university students will be trained and supported to be leaders and mentors for sustainability programs and relief services.

Criteria will include communities with:

  • Low-income
  • Limited educational access or quality of education
  • Sustainable opportunities
  • Marginalized or vulnerable populations including women, children, and minorities
  • Environmental challenges such as pollution or natural disasters.

Valley Global will also partner with organizations to help support and provide volunteers and resources when these events occur.

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Although there has been a recovery in the economy since the onset of COVID, the State of Hawaii is still feeling the impacts on the labor market. The chart below demonstrates how the overall labor market has been performing compared to the pre-pandemic normal.

1 ) But even more importantly, Hawaii families are finding it more difficult to make ends meet. Hawaii News Now recently did a story on the sharp increase in the percentage of Hawaii residents living in poverty. In December of 2022, the Aloha United Way released its most recent “ALICE Report” which tracks how people are doing financially. It found the number of people living in poverty in Hawaii grew from 9% in 2018 to 15% in 2022.

2 ) Transportation and utility jobs declined by 33%, hotel, and food service jobs declined by 45%, and other non-farm jobs declined by 25%. Rising unemployment has led to an increase in food insecurity for families throughout Hawaii. In addition to employment and food concerns, Hawaii is currently facing a range of environmental issues including loss of biodiversity, changing weather patterns, beach erosion, pollution, and more. Multi-faceted community-based solutions are necessary to improve employment and food security and create a sustainable future throughout Hawaii.


Education plays a major role in reducing Peru’s poverty rate. According to the World Economic Forum, Peru ranked 27th in the quality of the educational system in 2020, compared to 24th in 2019. In 2021, the country had a learning poverty rate of 56%, which means 56% of students at the age of ten cannot adequately read or understand the simple text. The pandemic further strained Peru’s education system by reducing the government’s, as well as many families’ ability to invest in education. The shift to at- home learning during the pandemic made it impossible for students who lacked computer access or Internet connectivity to effectively continue their schooling.

Peru has made many gains against poverty during the last few decades. However, these gains have not been equally distributed among urban and rural Peruvians. Although Peru’s poverty rate is less than half of what it was twenty years ago, there is still a lot of work to be done to improve the economic status of nearly seven million Peruvians.

Inequality in education is an issue in Peru since a student’s location and socioeconomic status determine their educational opportunities. Children located in rural areas suffer the most from limited educational opportunities. Additionally, students from poorer families drop out of school at higher rates and enter the labor force much earlier than those from higher-income families. In Peru, high school dropout rates continue to be a problem, with 12% of children leaving school before the age of 13, and 17% not finishing secondary school.

Marketing Plan

The organization’s programs are designed to support, educate and enrich children and students. To reach this audience the following plan will include Valley Global’s board members and founders to network and develop strategic partnerships with other community organizations and local businesses.

Social Media: Frequent posts and community events on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram will generate awareness and build a brand following. This will include blog posts, videos, and other types of content to showcase Valley Global’s mission and expertise in sustainability. Community events can also be helpful on social media and gain the engagement of followers.

Networking: The organization’s target audience will be schoolteachers, principals, and parent– teacher associations. Getting to know key people in these areas will allow for word-of-mouth networking to gain introductions to the people that can make decisions on allowing for these programs and services to be included in their school systems and communities.

Booths at community events would allow for community exposure as well as opportunities for education and support for sustainability in the community.

Strategic Partnerships: There are many opportunities for developing strategic partnerships with for-profit as well as not-for-profit organizations and businesses. Rotary International is a great example. Rotary has clubs all over the world, with several often in one town or city. They often do similar sustainable work in the community and partnering with these clubs will allow for exposure of Valley Global and allow them to complete their mission.

Other strategic partnerships could be with local organic farmers or businesses that provide eco- friendly products or services.

Speaking Engagements: In a recent survey, 67% of respondents stated that speaking engagements were the most impactful of all marketing techniques. 4 Many organizations seek speakers to educate their members on a variety of different topics. Board members and the founders will have a list of important topics that they will be able to speak on. This will help develop the organization as a leader in the industry as well as help its SEO ranking.

Print Material:  Print materials such as brochures and pamphlets will be available to leave at local schools or community events as a reminder of who the organization is and what they are about.

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